موقع Technological Box يقدم لك كل ما هو جديد فى عالم التكنولوجيا، ونساعدك فى تعلم اللغات المختلفة مثل الانجليزية والفرنسية وغيرها من اللغات الأخرى مع أقوى الدورات والكورسات بشكل إحترافى مجانى، كذلك نوفر لك أقوى الدورات والكورسات فى تعلم البرمجة وغير ذلك من الأمور التى يمكنها أن تساعدك فى تطوير نفسك والإرتقاء بمهاراتك، معنا تعلم كل ما هو جديد من الصفر مجانًا، نوفر لك كل المصادر، ونساعدك على متابعة كل ما هو جديد فى أخبار التكتولوجيا بمجالاتها المختلفة. ويمكنك متابعتنا على صفحتنا فى فيس بوك والتواصل بشكل مباشر من خلال Technological Box على فيس بوك، وكذلك يمكنك ترك اى تعليق تريده على موضوعاتنا أو إقتراح ليتم مناقشته والتواصل معك وتنفيذه تكنولجكال بوكس تتمنى لكم قضاء وقتًا ممتعًا على موقعنا وتلبية ما تبحثوا عنه. ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ====================================

How to Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive ?

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How to Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive ?

Now the many of users want to setup windows 10 on they devices because the features windows 10 present it, but some of the users also can`t setup windows 10 because its size is so large and we don`t have iso file for windows 10, Therefore today we will use simple tool will help us in burn windows 10 on USB or  DVD without needing to windows 10 iso file .
The tool we will use  it called Media Creation Tool Windows 10 you can download it From Here .
After downloading you will see this image and need to click on accept .
How to Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive ?
Then in this image,  you will see 2 Options you should choose from it, the first choose when you want to setup windows 10 on the same device  but the second choose when you want to burn windows 10  on USB or DVD to set up on another device, In our case we will click on the second choose then click Next .
How to Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive ?
Then you will find this image and it contains the options for windows 10 you will set up it on your devisee, There are Recommended for your  PC  you will find it and you  can change the options and make it as you want, You can change the Language, Edition, and  Architecture, Then click Next .
How to Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive ?
In the next step you should choose when you want to burn windows 10 are you want to burn it to USB or  DVD, Then click Next .
How to Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive ?
Before the next step, you should Put your USB or DVD on your device then choose it and click Next.
How to Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive ?
Now you need to wait till downloading finished and then you can put your USB or DVD on any device and set up windows 10 simply .
How to Create a Windows 10 USB Bootable Flash Drive ?