موقع Technological Box يقدم لك كل ما هو جديد فى عالم التكنولوجيا، ونساعدك فى تعلم اللغات المختلفة مثل الانجليزية والفرنسية وغيرها من اللغات الأخرى مع أقوى الدورات والكورسات بشكل إحترافى مجانى، كذلك نوفر لك أقوى الدورات والكورسات فى تعلم البرمجة وغير ذلك من الأمور التى يمكنها أن تساعدك فى تطوير نفسك والإرتقاء بمهاراتك، معنا تعلم كل ما هو جديد من الصفر مجانًا، نوفر لك كل المصادر، ونساعدك على متابعة كل ما هو جديد فى أخبار التكتولوجيا بمجالاتها المختلفة. ويمكنك متابعتنا على صفحتنا فى فيس بوك والتواصل بشكل مباشر من خلال Technological Box على فيس بوك، وكذلك يمكنك ترك اى تعليق تريده على موضوعاتنا أو إقتراح ليتم مناقشته والتواصل معك وتنفيذه تكنولجكال بوكس تتمنى لكم قضاء وقتًا ممتعًا على موقعنا وتلبية ما تبحثوا عنه. ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ==================================== ====================================

6 Android Apps Not Available In Google Play Store

منوعات , Comments Disabled 6 Android Apps Not Available In Google Play Store

6 Android Apps Not Available In Google Play Store

We always use android apps just in google play store and we don`t care about the other apps, in anywhere not google play store, But my dear let me told you there are a lot of apps not in google play but you can download it easily and benefit from it in your device, this app is apk format, Therefore, my dear, you must be to know the awesome apps, not just in google play store, Now let us get to know some apps not in google play store but it provides fantastic service for you .

1- VideoMix By this application, you will able to watch TV and movies online,This app also featuring a directory of descriptions of video content with links to third-party online resources .

2-  Market Helper Market Helper is an app for android devices , By this app users will able to change their rooted devices to any other device, as it will turn your Nexus 7 into Samsung S3 just in few seconds .

3-  Adobe Flash Player After using this app you can do and watch stuff that requires flash. All you need to do is carefully you should read and the follow the instructions provided in the link .

4-  TubeMate By this app you can download videos from youtube easily into various formats, this app a lot of users asked it .

5- F-Droid This app the words of an open source android market for many free apps, By this is you can download many apps free like AdAway, AdBlock, and other useful apps, you can discover this app to find other apps .

6- OG Youtube This another android app to download videos from youtube in all qualities like 3Gb, MP4, MP3, FLV and more And this application has a new feature that you can make multiple downloads at the same time .