5 Things To Stop Doing Now On Facebook

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5 Things To Stop Doing Now On Facebook


Facebook is the most popular social media a platform over a billion active users. if you are an internet marketer, sure you will be using facebook to grow your reach and visibility, but to ensure success of your marketing on facebook you must be able to spot the fine line between getting noticed for the right reasons and doing anything that bothers or annoys people, for this reasons we will refer to 5 things you should refrain from doing on facebook before you start losing your customers.
  • Tagging People Randomly : You must never tag unknown people in your photos and posts, people upload photos and posts and then tag unknown people and  known people to gains many likes, be careful if someone does this deliberately, then even if you are trying to market products or services, never usu this spammy method of making things viral.
  • Liking Your Own Posts : There is no point liking your own posts, you share a post because you like it not even you like it on your profile, people like their own posts to increase visibility and reach of their posts, but it only irritates people, if you are not too insecure or unconfident about your content. refrain from this method.
  • Invite For Facebook Bages: Creating a facebook page for your business is legitimate but you don`t need to send invites to increase its following. you need to post valuable and informative content and share it on your profile page, then people will automatically find it and if interested they will follow it as well.
  • Adding People To Groups Without Prior Notice: If you add people to the random groups without permission is the biggest red flag when doing facebook marketing, even though you add people. most people afterwards turn off notifications. so it will do you no good, rather you will malign your own image.
  • Mass Messaging :  This is another no-no when facebook marketing. people hate receiving mass messages. so if you have something to say peronalize the message to address individual people.